Thursday 3 January 2013


Go and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the devil's foot,

---John Donne 

I love repeating this stanza, it gives me inspiration to do adventurous things, impossible things, amazing things.  To me it makes things seems possible if you only dare to do it.  "Tell me where all past years are,  Or who cleft the devil's foot."  In our old age we will be asking this question to ourselves.  where all past years are? Did I dare to cleft the devil's foot?  But I wonder, is it important to dare to do great things once in your life?  What if you're just content of your simple boring life?  What if you're just content to dream of great things?  Because you're scared it might not be as great as you think it would be once you've achieved it.  Is that person a loser? Because he/she didn't achieved anything?  I know lots of people consider me a loser.  I have never achieved anything but I am happy and content of what I have and who I am.  Why strive to be something accomplished when it would just robbed you of enjoying your day?  You get so busy you don't even have time for yourself.  I think "cleft the devil's foot" that I'm dreaming for is heroism.  That is my dream.  To do something good for the mankind.  I think that's the most meaningful life, to be able to help someone in your life.  Just like the poem of Emily Dickinson;

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

I think that's the most accomplished life,,being able to help someone.  Your life have been of value because of your usefulness.  I think that's our purpose in life,,to help one another and if you fail to help someone in your lifetime then your life is meaningless.  You are of no value at all.

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